Friday, June 11, 2021

Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMTs)

I've accumulated enough example of SPMTs in action that it is time to publish. As with many of my posts, I'll continue to add material as I come across it.

I'll let an article and a brochure explain what they are.
Bay Crane posted
[An example of crab steering]

Mammoet posted
#Mammoet is pleased to announce we have been awarded the factory to foundation scope involving the transport of three vessels from #Italy to the #USA, with the heaviest of the vessels projected to weigh 320t. Because of the early involvement of our team, Mammoet has been able to provide our client with a turnkey transport and engineering solution. Stay tuned to learn more about this project!

To learn more about similar factory to foundation services previously done, click here:

The link in the caption has readable content. One takeaway is that the ramps for RO-RO ships can be dangerous because they are more flexible than roads.

Mammoet posted
#Mammoet's crew recently assisted in the removal of the old 1633t (3.6 million lb.) 4th Street North bridge overpass over I-275 in #Florida using #SPMTs. The entire operation was completed ahead of schedule, allowing the bridge to reopen earlier than anticipated.
#movebymammoet #civilconstruction
Chris Banis: Mammoet so busy we have rented everyone else’s equipment.
Luke Fryou: Look like a Saren transporter And mammoet powerpack.
[Note the eight jacks used to lift the bridge off it abutment.]

MiningLink posted
[This mine is in Austrailia.]

A video of relocating equipment up to 690 metric tons in a mine. It has the modern format of a bunch of short clips, which I hate. Especially since many of the clips are so close to the equipment as to be meaningless. Another aspect of the current video format fad that I hope soon dies. But some clips do show how the wheels can do coordinated turns. But I never did figure out what the gantry equipment did until I paused "at the end of day 2."

SPMTs are used for local moves such as on a shipping dock. For transport on the road, it looks like they still use many wheels. But they replace the power modules with some serious horsepower.
Photo from factory-to-foundation

Willy Hwm Weijenberg posted four photos with the comment: "Vietnam."
[Whenever I see them moving something this big, I wonder what type of cranes are used to set them upright at their destination.]




Willy Hwm Weijenberg posted
[Do they pump water out of the ship as the load is rolled onto it to keep the ramps between the ship and the dock fairly level?]

[Moving 7,100t with five lines of SPMTs on a purpose-built road that was 66m wide and 23 km long. "With 290 axle lines of SPMT required to lift and transport the plant, the move also represented the most SPMT axles used in Africa to date and one of the largest moves of a single piece of mining equipment in the world."]

Mammoet posted two photos with the comment: "Did you know we can move our #PTC by loading it onto SPMTs for transport? This method saves time and minimizes disruption to a busy job site - not to mention it's also a pretty impressive sight!"


Screenshot @ 0:26
[This view caught the axles going up and down in order to keep the load level over the ramp.]

Handling a load from the Coastal Titan.

Mammoet posted three photos with the comment:
748 axle lines of SPMT. 20,300t of vessel. [I wonder what fraction of the SPMTs that Mammoet owned was used for this move.]
Today, we take a look back at the double record-breaking load-in of the Curlew FPSO.


[The article never used the word "complex". I got sick and tired of hearing that word in the Francis Scott Key Bridge Recovery videos. But the PR person did manage to include the words: "Safety was our first priority." Someday, I'm going to put together a scorecard for PR platitudes.]
2:38 video @ 1:02

So they got it turned. Then what? You can't put that on a truck. The video claims they are moving 15k tons. Fortunately, a comment explained that is what the crane will be rated to lift. These beams are much lighter.
0:57 Facebook video @ 0:32
UNILAD Tech: For more information, check out:

Literally, a bigger picture. I guess those beams are going to be part of a crane for that dock. In the background as the ship came into this dock I was amazed at how much infrastructure Singapore has.
5:16 video @ 3:56

Six photos of a move that used 604 axle-lines of SPMT to load-out a 16,258t main support frame (MSF). (I think a MSF is the guts of an oil production platform.) That was a new record.

Two photos of a move that used 496 axle-lines to move a module but the project used up to 1,578 axle-lines to keep multiple modules moving.  A video about that project (The modules are about the size of a football field and up to 200' tall. Decent visuals happened during the second and third minute. There were some more at 5:08.)

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