Sunday, June 9, 2024

1954,1975 Lavon Lake Dam on East Fork Trinity River at Lavon, TX



Jason Ingram Böö, Feb 2021

USACE, Fort Worth District posted
In 1886 a Wisconsin structural engineer, Joseph Tainter, invented a new style of gate to control the flow of water over dams. Pictured are the tainter gates as they are being installed at Lavon Lake in the 1950's.
Lloyd Scott Hardin shared

Dennis DeBruler commented on Lloyd's share
The lake level is currently at flood pool,

Jun 9, 2024: most of the parks around the lake are closed because of flooding.

"The dam is now [after modifications completed in 1970] 19,493 feet long (3.7 miles[, 6km]), which includes the levee, spillway, and dam, and is approximately 81’ [25m] above streambed."

The Flood Control pool level, 503.5', is at the top of the gates and is considered 100% full. The maximum designed water surface is at 509', and the top of the dam is at 514'. [twdb]

David W., Jun 2019

David W., Jun 2019

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