Sunday, June 23, 2024

1882 Fenelon Place Elevator (Funicular) in Dubuque, IA

Bottom: (Satellite, 880 photos)
Top: (Satellite, 3,528 photos)

HS Hose Camping posted
April 1940. Dubuque, Iowa. "Elevator which ascends from downtown district to residential section of bluffs." Medium format acetate negative by John Vachon.
James Smith shared
wow, Iowa?
Patrick Thomas Koppes: one of the oldest funicular rails in the US...or the steepest....cant recall their claim...
Dennis DeBruler: Patrick Thomas Koppes Their claim is "the world’s steepest, shortest scenic railway." It is 296' (36m) long and has an elevation of 189' (58m).
Rob Sterne commented on James' share
It hasn't changed much in 84 years.


Xiao Meow, Jun 2023

The funicular is the little black line at the end of 4th street that cuts across a lot of contour lines.
1955 Dubuque South @ 24,000

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