Tuesday, February 25, 2025

1977 John T. Myers/Uniontown Locks and Dam on Ohio River near Mt. Vernon, IN

(Satellite, it had been called Uniontown Dam)

Street View, May 2012

This dam replaced dams #48 and #49.
"Mr. Myers retired from the 104th Congress as Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee’s Energy and Water Development Subcommittee. Thanks in great part to his visionary leadership, this nation continued its wise investment in the infrastructure necessary to support inland navigation during his tenure. The Water Resources Development Act of 2000 authorized the John T. Myers Locks Improvement Project. This work will extend the 600‑foot x 110‑foot auxiliary lock chamber to a 1200‑foot lock. This will give the project twin 1200‑foot locks for efficient movement of projected increases in tow traffic, and will enable the facility to manage traffic during main lock closures without significant delays to navigation."
The dam is 3,504' (1068m) long with ten 110' (33.5m) x 32' (10m) gates.


This satellite image caught both locks being used at the same time.

2025 TVA FloodSee Pickwick Lock_2025 for information about the weather event.

We Work the Waterways posted
Amherst Madison's M/V AMHERST looking down at John T. Meyers Lock & Dam as the sun sets. 
As Captain Tim Brown said "Only 4 feet of wall showing." She's riding high today [Feb 23, 2025]!


Back to general dam information

We Work the Waterways posted
When a heavy lift is required for a job on the Ohio River, River Salvage Company and her hands on owner Jimmy Zubik is usually called to get it done. 
Here we see the 250 ton Monallo II removing the lock gates from Elizabeth Lock on the Monongahela River. This lock and dam will be demolished and removed in order to lengthen the pool. 
River Salvage is one of our many important sponsors and we thank them for this photo and information.  
Photo courtesy of JB Henkemeyer.
Another great post from the folks at We Work the Waterways Fyi...Each of our lock miter gates on the downstream end of each lock on the Tennessee River are just too tall & too heavy to lift in this particular manner. Each set of locks & dams on each of our river systems comes with its own set of unique engineering challenges. 🙂 

Dalton Call commented on the above post
The Shreve via USACE Heavy Fleet picking 505,000lbs at JT Myers L/D.

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