Monday, September 21, 2020

Gasometers along the Calumet River, IC Freight House and Sanborn Maps

There were a lot of gasometers in this area because every steel company with a coke plant would need one and the gas company appears to have some also. Gas holders associated with a steel plant are documented as part of that plant.
Eleventh Photo in a Media Set by Rod Sellers
Rod Sellers 1938 aerial photo of area near 95th and Calumet River. West of the river are 2 gas holders, one between 95th and 96th Streets and the other at 97th Street. Both cast long shadows in the photos. Although not readable in the photograph, the gas holder at 97th Street has an arrow on top pointing to Municipal Airport (later Midway Airport)
Dennis DeBruler commented on Rod's photo
I think it says 12 miles. I never noticed the other one before. Thanks for pointing them out.

Jim Prrfan posted
IH The International on the Calumet River. Late 60's.
Jim PRRFan Photos.
[The freighter is carrying iron ore to Wisconsin Steel. The grain elevator on the right was Garvey/Continental/South Chicago.]

The "white" gas holder in the above aerial is seen below.
Rod Sellers posted
A street scene in busy part of South Chicago, 1912. No further information given. Address on Boarding House / Bakery does appear to be 9423. Sanborn Maps from 1913 (attached) show three buildings on Commercial Avenue at 9421 (corner of awning looks like 9421), 9423 (address over door and on awning), 9425 (building set back from the street) Assuming that the gas holder is the one at Houston Avenue near 96th Street I would guess that the view is 94th and Commercial. Only an educated guess.
Bob Lalich: Rod Sellers - I agree, this is Commercial Ave near 94th St, north of the tracks before elevation. The city passed an ordinance in 1906 requiring the railroads to elevate the area around 95th and South Chicago Ave by the end of 1911. The US Army Corp of Engineers had made a decision to widen the Calumet River, which required the railroads to build new bridges. Construction of the new bridges began in 1912.
Prior to elevation and grade separation, a survey recorded over 900 movements a day over the railroad crossings at this location, showing the need for improvements. Here is a Sanborn map from 1897 which shows the conditions before elevation. I wonder if the ambulance in the photo was called because someone had been hit by a train.

Rod commented on his post
Sanborn Gas Holder


The Skyway bridge under construction, 1958.

This construction photo of the Skyway caught the gas holder rather empty.
Mike Lenich posted
Skyway under construction where I grew up..,
Rod Sellers posted
93rd and Baltimore.
Kevin A Heggi
 - the structure behind the streetcar was originally IC's South Chicago freight house. I believe it was leased or sold to another company and was a potato and onion warehouse in 1946, according to the Sanborn map. Not sure if there was a fire or just a roof collapse.

Bob Lalich commented on Rod's comment
Here is a 1913 Sanborn map showing the IC freight house.
Bob Lalich
 Bob, how may I find the web site for that map. There are so many Sandburn Maps on the Library of Congress site that it is very hard to locate our area. I'd like to see maps from various time periods.
Bill Staniec
 - I found this on the LOC site. South Chicago and nearby areas are found in Vol F.
badge icon
Bill Staniec
 For 1894-1897 select Volume F 1897 for SE Side
For 1905-1951 select Volume 27 (South Chicago north) 1923, 1948, 1948-51 Volume 47 (South Chicago south) 1947, 1947-50 Volume 48 (ES, SD, Heg) 1947, 1947-50 Volume F (SE Side) 1911, 1913-46

Marty Bernard posted

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