Sunday, May 19, 2024

1966+2026 I-270 Chain of Rocks Bridges over Mississippi River north of St. Louis


Now we are tearing down UCEBs (Ugly Concrete Eyesore Bridges) as well as truss bridges.

[I lost the Google Maps link.]

This was construction of the 1966 bridge. It took vehicle traffic off the 1929 Chain of Rocks Bridge.
Bridges Now and Then posted
"The new I-270 Chain-of-Rocks Bridge being built across the Mississippi River just north of the old Route 66 Chain-of-Rocks Bridge in North St. Louis, Missouri - 1965" (Jim)
Ralph Mayse: Almost 60 years later, it's replacement is being constructed.
Dennis DeBruler: Ralph Mayse

Ralph's comment caused me to dig deeper. They are building a new bridge south of the existing bridge. Then they will replace the existing bridge. Both bridges will be able to carry 3 lanes of traffic in anticipation of projects to widen I-270 in Missouri and Illinois. The road currently carries over 51,000 vehicles per day, 17% of which are trucks. [TheIntelligencer]
The new bridges will cost about a half billion dollars. Construction is expected to be complete in 2026. [illinois]

270mrb_Announcements, May 2023, cropped

270mrb_CameraViews, Camera #1: View #3

270mrb_CameraViews, Camera #2: View #1

Randy Perkinson posted
Chain of Rocks Bridges over the Mississippi River
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA 
This photo shows the ongoing construction of the new Chain of Rocks Bridge carrying I-270 across the Mississippi River between Missouri and Illinois.  The existing structure was built in 1970 and is functionally obsolete and in disrepair.  The photo is taken from the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge just downstream that carried vehicles from 1929 until 1970 and was converted for pedestrian and cyclist use in 1999.

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