Sunday, May 26, 2024

American Airlines Flight 191 Disaster on May 25, 1979 at O'Hare

I remember this airline crash. I wonder if the 273-death total (2 on the ground) is still the worst airline accident in the US history. And it would have been a lot worse if it fell on the nearby tank farm or mobile home park. (A comment suggested that the flight crew deliberately brought it down in a vacant area. I don't know if they had enough control to do that.) An engine fell off a DC-10 and severed the hydraulic lines that controlled the flaps. If I remember correctly, there were three hydraulic lines, each for a redundant system. Unfortunately, the lines were next to each other. A lesson learned from this accident is that the different hydraulic lines for the different redundant systems should be routed through different parts of the wing. I remember that the engine fell off because a forklift was incorrectly used when putting the engine back on the plane during a maintenance procedure.
Janet Morrow posted
Janet Bausch posted
Remembering American Airlines FLT 191, May 25, 1979.

Andrea Mather four posted four images with the comment: "Today we remember the American Airlines Flight 191 disaster. The lives lost will forever be in our hearts. This was the worst aviation disaster in US history."
Paul Webb shared with the comment: "It was 45 years ago today.✈️😢"
Paul Webb shared with the comment: "It was 45 years ago today.✈️😢"
Paul Webb shared with the comment: "It was 45 years ago today.✈️😢"
Bohdan Gajecky: Years later the final report said that the engine mount was not designed to be removed from the wing, but that the engine was to be removed from the mount.
But, there were fewer bolts holding the mount to the wing than there were holding the engine to the mount, so the maintenance people did what was easier, though fatally wrong.




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