Thursday, August 8, 2024

Abandoned/B&O Outcrop Tunnel


Mark Petrishen posted 11 photos with the comment: "I don't know a whole lot about this tunnel. I had it marked off as one to go see, but I do not know much about it. I traced the railroad grade to Smithfield where the line seems to be active again. Google says that a short line Railroad called the Southwestern Pennsylvania Railroad currently operates on those tracks and it also says that their predecessor was CSX,  Pennsylvania Railroad and or B&O. If anyone has any information as to the name of this tunnel, or the railroad that built it, that would be nice. There is two dates on the one end of the tunnel. 1893, which is I assume when it was built, and then 1916 which is probably when they lined it with concrete and brick. The tunnel is near Gans, Pa."
Christopher D Coleman: Baltimore and Ohio line, Connelsville, PA down into WV via Morganstown. Intact Connelsville to Smithfield, dismantled further south.
Mike Cirner: Mark Petrishen I read sometime in the 90s as a landslide on the way to Morgantown took out the line and they felt it wasn’t worth fixing. Originally the fairmont Morgantown Pittsburgh line that was absorbed into the b&o. Now in wv it is the Mon river trail and in Pa sections of it is the sheepskin trail.
Daniel Pavick: Definitely the Sheepskin, which was the FM&P. 1991 I believe was the last through train until they moved to the MRY East Division, now the NS Loveridge Sec











1935/35 Masontown and 1925/25 Morgantown Quad @ 62,500

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