Thursday, June 27, 2019

UP/C&NW Depots, Turntable and Railyard in Waukegan, IL

Turntable: (Satellite) A yard satellite image is below
Depot, original: (Satellite)
Depot, current: (Satellite)

Pat Adamek posted three images with the comment: "The Waukegan Illinois train depots over the years!"



You can tell the turntable is now used just to turn locomotives because they have put a fence around the pit.
Charles Heraver posted
Waukegan IL DEC 1996. Spin the Train Stop motor. A deuce, still in CNW paint, has just been turned on the turntable and will lead the next Waukegan hopper train out of town. The Waukegan hotel looks on in the background. The table is still there today, although UP rarely uses it anymore.
Charles Heraver The table is air powered, using the locomotives air compressor.

This railyard is long and skinny. A classification yard is north of Mathon Drive. This is the part that is south of Mathon Drive with Sheridan Road on the west side, EJ&E on the east side, and C&NW in the middle.
The same area back in 1939. Note that Pershing Road did not exist back then because it has been built over the foot print of the roundhouse.
1939 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

A 1960 topo map shows that the roundhouse has been torn down, but IL-137 and Pershing have not yet been built. The next date available for topo maps is 1908. It is interesting that the roundhouse is shown on a different arc. Did it get rebuilt to hold larger engines?
USGS, 1908 Waukegan, 1:62,500

Sam Carlson posted
C&NW's Waukegan facility looked like this in March, 1974.
[Judging from the comments, the roof on the left was the depot.]

Pat Adamek posted
Train Wreck in Waukegan yard mid 1970s. This train was on the way to the power plant I worked at. CNW passenger train can be seen at the Depot in the distance!
John Edmondson: I was standing where the piles of coal are lying when the train derailed . I was a track worker for Chicago & Northwestern then and we were raising track and shoving gravel under the ties to level things off. Unfortunately when you raise the track and only put a small amount of gravel under the ties, and it being about 95 degrees out, things don’t stay in place. When a coal train was given an all clear to come through at normal speed when we cleared the area it was going downhill at about 30 MPH with a full load of coal.As it passed through the work area I was sitting a few feet off the side. All of a sudden I saw the rails bow and sparks fly.I got up and ran away from the tracks and as I did the cars jumped the tracks and folded up with a tremendous crash. Rails and cars and coal were everywhere. I had to climb over the debris to get back over. It was and still is one of the coolest things I ever saw. If you ever saw “The Fugitive” with that train wreck it was kind of like that, only no people got hurt.

There are several photos in the railyard in the comments of this post.

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