Sunday, February 23, 2025

1852 L&N/NC&StL Cumberland Mountain Tunnel near Cowan, TN

North Portal: (Satellite, a little east of the trail bridge.)
South Portal: (Satellite)

"The Cowan Tunnel, or Cumberland Mountain Tunnel, is a railroad tunnel near Cowan, Tennessee. The tunnel was built by the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad Company and was completed in 1852 with the tracks laid in 1853 with a total length of 2,200 ft (670 m)." [dbpedia]
tnhistoryforkids specifies a completion date of May 1851. It also reminds us that back in the 1850s, tunnels were built by hand, not with steam. "One man would hold and turn a short length of steel bit, while two others struck it with eight-pound hammers."

Citation: "Cowan Tunnel," approximately 1940, Looking Back at Tennessee Photograph Collection, 1890-1981, 7684, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Tennessee Virtual Archive,, accessed 2025-02-23.

Dale Proctor posted
Cumberland Mountain tunnel, built by the NC&StL Railroad in 1852 to connect Nashville and Chattanooga. That’s the arch bridge carrying the Tracy City branch in front of it. Near Cowan Tenn., 6/20/86

I don't know if the NC&StL used east/west or north/south directions in their timetable, so I used geographic directions to label the satellite locations. I know of the NC&StL as the railroad that teamed up with the CB&Q to build a bridge across the Ohio River. I got a map to learn more about this railroad in this area of Tennessee.
1903 Map from Wikipedia via Dennis DeBruler

Google Maps labels the south portal of this tunnel as "Cowan Tunnel." The label "Cumberland Mountain Tunnel" takes you to a "cultural landmark" near the Cowan Railroad Museum (former NC&StL depot). So the actual length is 2,228' (679m).
Street View, Apr 2014

In most of the satellite images I looked at, the tracks south of the tunnel were hidden by the shadow of the trees. But this one shows us at least some of the track.
Global Earth, Sep 2014

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