Friday, July 12, 2024

1910 Lock #24 on New York State Barge Canal in Baldwinsville, NY

(HAERSatellite, 86 photos)

This lock has a lift of 11' (3.4m). It was built 1908-10. The guard gate was added in 1934. [HAER]

Street View, Apr 2012

There are a couple of interesting truss bridges here.
Street View, Apr 2021

Street View, May 2023

July 11, 2024
John Kucko Digital posted
Footbridge on the Move:  The massive second barge, using the historic 199 year old Erie Canal to deliver the pedestrian footbridge to Buffalo and Ralph Wilson Park there, has arrived at Lock 24 in Baldwinsville, NY this morning.  Both barges are now here and will be re-connected as they proceed west.  This is slow going as they make this trek, about 5 MPH.  The weather today MUCH more favorable than yesterday with the violent storms.  Very challenging to predict when they will be in certain locations.  Stay tuned for more updates!

1:05 video

This lift gate is a guard gate, not a lock gate. Guard gates are closed during emergencies or maintenance to prevent the upper pool from draining through the canal. They are also closed when the drain the canal for the winter. We can also see part of the lock's upstream miter gate.
Street View, Jul 2019

Two construction photos from BargeIntoBville:
Digging Lock 24 for the new Barge Canal, circa 1908 - facing upriver

Digging the lock in 1908, facing downriver along what was Water St.


Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor posted
Lock E24 in Baldwinsville was the first lock to operate on the Barge Canal. In May 1910, a contractor's dredge and string of barges locked up to start work on the level above Baldwinsville. The electrical equipment to open the lock wasn't delivered until 1911, so workers had to move the gates and valves using blocks and tackles, horses, and human muscle.

Mike Dôran commented on the above post
Still works well too.

Hudson river Lightkeeper commented on the above post

Hudson river Lightkeeper commented on the above post

DigitalCollections, 1 of 993 photos of the canal's construction
Contract 45.  View east from Station 3930 showing progress of excavation for Lock 24.

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