Monday, July 15, 2024

1907 Lost/MP/StLIM&S SUC Bridge Over Black River near Corning, AR

(Archived Bridge Hunter; no Historic Bridges; Satellite)

StLIM&S = St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern

Douglas Butler posted
From St. Louis Mountain & Southern Railway Strauss Underneath Counterweight Bascule Bridge is removed in Corning, AR crossing the Black River.
Douglas Butler: Dennis DeBruler can you confirm this bridge being from Corning, AR or somewhere else?

Dennis DeBruler commented on Douglas' comment
At first, I didn't think so. The big piers are consistent with a short span on the north end and a long truss for the rest of the bridge, but the north pier is not consistent with the bridge abutment in the photo. (The small pier near the middle would have been added when they rebuilt the bridge with steel girders.)!3m1!1e3...

Dennis DeBruler commented on Douglas' comment
Then I found this May 2013 image of Google Earth. The north end is more consistent with the photo.

Dennis DeBruler commented on Douglas' comment
And this Sep 2020 image is even more consistent. But now I'm left with the question of why is the north end changing so much over a 10-year period? Google Earth provides a Nov 2022 date for the current satellite image.

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