Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pennsy's Calumet Circle Passenger Service

Back in the horse&buggy days when railroads ran local commuter services.

MWRD posted
Construction of a section of the Calumet Intercepting Sewer looking north from an area near the intersection of 100th Street and Avenue N in Chicago on September 28, 1922. 
Bob Lalich shared
There is an interesting detail in this photo of PRR's Calumet River RR, looking north from 100th St. The line is signaled because PRR had been running passenger trains over the line. The trains ran in a loop over the Ft Wayne line to Clarke Jct, then west over the SLIC/B&OCT to Hammond Jct. From there, the obscure Hammond/Wolf Lake Branch was used to reach the SC&S and Cal River RR in Hegewisch. These trains were accommodations for factory workers. I believe the trains were discontinued in the 1920s but I don't have a date.

Larry Candilas commented on Bob's share
1915 - The Calumet Circle Route!!

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