Thursday, September 26, 2024

1880 Aban/AVR/B&O Bridge over Allegheny River Back Channel in Pittsburgh, PA

(no Archived Bridge Hunter; Historic Bridges; no pghbridges; Satellite)

Because of the density of trees on the east coast, I can't get any street views of this bridge.

These notes are about the grade level bridge in the foreground that B&O used to access Herr's Island. The high-level bridge went over the island, and it provided B&O access to the heart of Pittsburgh. Both bridges are now owned by Allegheny Valley Railroad (AVR). AVR still uses the high-level bridge.
Screenshot from a drone video posted by Dave Kuntz

Dave Kuntz posted three images with the comment: "Herrs Island near Pittsburgh.  Once a site of major industry, now mostly parks, houses, and office buildings.  There are no active tracks on the island anymore.  One bridge is now a bike trail and the other [this one] is completely falling apart and is featured below alongside the bridge that still crosses the island, albeit as a singletrack instead of two.  Don't miss the historic aerial photo and compare it to a modern flyover!"




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