Friday, September 6, 2024

1958,1980 US-212 Missouri River Bridge over Oahe Lake at Forest City, SD

(Archived Bridge Hunter; no Historic Bridges; John A. Weeks IIISatellite)

The river is so wide here because of the Oahe Dam.

Darel Maden posted
US 212 Missouri River

"Wow! Looks like this one has six towers! It's probably more towers than any other cantilever truss in the US. Very Spectacular Bridge!" [Tom Hoffman comment in BridgeHunter]

Scotty Zacher, Jun 2019

The 4,619' (1.4km) long bridge has the longest span of 450' (137m). Because of the depth of the reservoir, the tallest pier is 190' (58m) tall. The suspended spans where the ones used in the original bridges that the state built across the Missouri River. "It is one of the largest inland bridges in the US" [JohnWeeks]

C Stew, Oct 2020

Street View, Jun 2022

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