Friday, June 28, 2024

1898,1991 UP/C&NW Bridge over Eau Claire River at Altoona, WI

(no Historic Bridges; Satellite)

Street View, Jul 2023

I thought the river looked like it was running high above, so I checked out some other views. Looking again, the river level looks rather normal.
Street View, Oct 2021
[This looks like a hybrid between pin-connected and riveted. Specifically, it looks like the lower chord is pin-connected but the upper chord uses riveted gusset plates.]

The link for this bridge did not work in Bridge Hunter, so I saved the index entry instead. Fortunately, it has quite a bit of information.
Bridge Hunter

Greg Mross posted
CNW 7015 crosses the Eau Claire River in Altoona, WI. in February of 1990.

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