Friday, June 28, 2024

1987 Upper Stillwater Dam on Rock Creek in Utah

(Satellite, 80 photos)

I don't think this is actually a flood, but Utah is also relatively wet in 2024. Their reservoirs are full after a couple of years of drought. California has also filled its reservoirs this year. I just checked; Lake Mead got over 1,075' this year. And the plains states are very, very wet.

Upper Stillwater Dam is a roller compacted concrete gravity dam
[I can't believe how little information the Bureau of Reclamation provides. I can't find even the length and height of this dam on this website.]

A fishing website indicates that the dam is over 600' wide and over 200' tall.

TheQuackingRouge, Jun 2023

0:07 video
It is spilling again in Jun 2024. This video is from 2019.

Normally, the spilled water stays in the stilling basin.
Jun 17, 2024:
The Upper Stillwater Reservoir in Duchesne County is sitting at a water level of 125%. Nearly every reservoir in Utah is almost or already overflowed!

More of the 2019 spilling.
1:58 video

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