Friday, August 16, 2024

1926 Manthey Road/Lincoln Highway SOC Bridge over San Joaquin River in Lathrop, CA

(Archived Bridge Hunter; Historic Bridges; Satellite)

This bridge used to be part of the Lincoln Highway. [Road Sign]

The span is now fixed so they removed the overhead counterweight and posts.
Street View, Feb 2022

The rolling span on the left is for an Interstate ramp, and it is also now fixed.
Street View, Jul 2023

Douglas Butler posted
Manthey Road Mossdale Strauss Overhead Counterweight Bascule Bridge crossing the San Joaquin River in Lathrop, CA the counterweight, machinery and posts were removed and converted to a fixed span.

This bridge also has a pin-connected Parker truss.
Photo via BridgeHunter

FMI: BNSF has three ABT bridges in this county.

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