Tuesday, November 19, 2019

1937+1993 Robert C. Byrd/Gallipolis Locks and Dam, #10, on the Ohio River near Apple Grove, WV

(HAER (the old locks); HAER (the original new lock); Satellite, 29 photos)


The 1,200' and 600' x 110' locks replaced the two Gallipolis Locks in 1993. The damming height is 29.5' above sills and the normal lift is 23'.

They dug through the descending starboard bank to build the new locks. You can still see the old locks next to the dam in the new views.
HAER WVA,27-GALIP.V,1-, cropped
6. UNDATED AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, VIEW NORTH, LOCKS AND DAM, U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT OFFICE, HUNTINGTON, WV - Gallipolis Locks & Dam, Across Ohio River, Gallipolis, Mason County, WV Photos from Survey HAER WV-58

These three photos come from a post concerning the Catherine Davis going through the Gallipolis Locks.
[There are some comments discussing standards or stumbos, but I have no idea what they are talking about.] 



Mark, Oct 2018, cropped

Construction on the new locks was done during 1987-93. "Construction to rehabilitate the 1,116-foot long dam began in August 1992 and was completed in 2002. Eight new roller gates were built, and control units, a motor control center and electric feeders were replaced." [birding-in-ohio]

This is an older dam because it uses roller gates instead of Tainter gates.
jimmy fugitt, Jul 2018

Sammy Holloway Jr posted
[It looks like he is pushing just four rows, instead of the usual five rows, of barges.]

Robert Marcin posted
She's a little high at R.C. Byrd today [Mar 3, 2021],. J/S
Jim Stasko: Wait till you get to Cincinnati  3-3-21 at 03:00 54.40 feet and rising
[Looking at a satellite image, this view is looking downstream. So the downstream pool is almost as high as the upstream pool!]
Jamie Sunderland commented on Robert's post
Just a comparison from this summer. Barely any wall showing today from the lower.

Dennis DeBruler commented on Robert's post
Ricky Hamlin: Dennis DeBruler Whoa that’s going to be a fast fall

I just learned yesterday that the Kanawha River had a sharp rise because of a rain storm. That does not surprise me for a mountain river. But for the Ohio River to increase so rapidly along a significant portion of its length, I have to wonder what kind of rainstorm they had. I think the melting of our big snow cover in the US started before Feb 28.

Ervin Rineheart added, this is one of ten photos of the Nina and Pinta passing the tow.

Jamie Willis posted two photos with the comment: "The view from the office window this morning . Think small."
Hl King Looks like a tight squeeze!
Jamie Willis Hl King boat and barges are 1165x105 in a lock chamber that’s 600x110. 2.5 feet on either side. Tight fit for sure.
Dennis DeBruler The second photo has a nice view of a USACE ringer crane on the left. And it looks like the barge parked in the main channel is 105' wide. Obviously the USACE was working on the main 1200' lock and that is what forced you to double the tow through the 600' lock.
[The date for these photos is Aug 28, 2019.]
[He is downbound.]

[On the left side of the above photo is the big ringer crane we see below that is helping to assemble the MLC 300 crane. We see it in its parked position. On the right, parked in the channel of the main lock, is a barge. It looks like it is 105' wide. That is very unusual. Maybe after they unload the supplies it is carrying that is what they assemble the MLC 300 on. Cranes want wide barges to help avoid listing when they pick a load.]

Barge traffic continues, at least upstream, even when the river is high enough that they have the roller gates all the way up. The tow won't have to wait for the lock gate to shut, water to go down, and gate to open. It should be able to just push through the lock.
Ohio & Kanawha River Photography added

Ohio & Kanawha River Photography added
[I assume the tow is a module being moved from the Gulf to the Shell construction. Jeff's photos includes several other modules in transit. I selected this photo because it shows that they have built a bridge on top of the bridge because these modules are taller than the usual barge tows. And I'm trying to figure out why there is a Tainter gate setting on the grounds of a dam that uses roller gates.]

https://www.facebook.com/pg/RiversMoveUs/photos/?tab=album&album_id=451098288845404 (16 photos of M/V Jeffboat shoving a downbound tow out of the lock.)

Jerry Farias posted the comment:
So it happens now and again. I dropped my truck off this morning at our new job site. When I returned to our old job site I found our new job site has been voided. We are now going to a completely different location. Oh well stuff happens. Headed to Willow Island Lock and Dam now. I really like it there.
Dennis DeBruler https://www.google.com/.../data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4...
[Is it the USACE or the power company that can't schedule the jobs very well?]

Jerry Farias posted four photos with the comment: "Getting ready to make some lifts with the Shreve."



Jerry's comment above teaches us that the ringer crane is the USACE Henry M. Shreve. It was delivered Oct 2001, and it is a 52' ringer that can lift 350 tons at a 110' radius.
Photo from USACE

Jerry provides a "before" photo before they drained the lock.
Jeffy Farias posted
So, this is how the lock chamber looks right now. I will make another post in a few days. You will see the difference right away!
The "after" photo. In the lower-left corner is probably a glimpse of the top of the bulkhead that was installed so that the gate itself will be dry. Note that this post is dated Aug 26, 2019. I've discovered that the USACE was supposed to "perform maintenance on the main lock chamber miter gates" between Aug 19 and Sep 30. [herald-dispatch]
Jeffy Farias posted

Byrd Is Second Huntington District Lock To Close For Repairs, a Sep 13, 2019 article
"The other delay is at the Willow Island Locks and Dam at Mile 161.7, which has been out of service since the first weekend of July for dewatering and 20-year maintenance."

Three different people posted photos of the assembly of the MLC 300.

Capital City Group, Inc. posted three photos with the comment: "Picking a Manitowoc MLC300 onto a barge for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The crane will be assembled with 177' of main boom and 474,000# of counterweight. The crane will be on a barge serving locks on the Ohio River for the next few years" at Robert C. Byrd Lock and Dam.
Brian Gibson shared



Judging from the images, Bobby was working at this dam as well.
Bobby Eddy posted seven photos with the comment:
It was a long week but it was definitely a good one to remember! Assembling a Manitowoc MLC 300 on a barge on the edge of a shipping channel at a lock and damn. It definitely required a ton of thinking outside of the box! #capitalcitygroup #Ironworkers549 #internationalunionofoperatingengineers #riggersgetitup #myjobisbetterthanyours
Ben Stalvey shared
Vinnie DelMaestro Does anyone know the name of the ACOE crane making the pick?
Dennis DeBruler Henry M. Shreve
Jerry Farias was my source for the name:

Dennis DeBruler It was working in Mobile, AL, and it is now working at the Robert C. Byrd L&D on the Ohio River.


[I assume assembly is easier when you just happen to have a huge ringer on a barge to help.]





Charles Smith posted two photos with the comment: "I get to do some fun things at work. Picking my brand new crane up "


[We can see some boom segments on the barge deck that have yet to be attached to the MLC 300.]

One of thirty photos posted by Ohio & Kanawha River Photography
Ben Stalvey shared
4600 hard at work dredging away. Who else uses one for dredging?
[There are some comments about the clamshell being rather small for that crane.]

3 of 18 photos posted by Ohio & Kanawha River Photography with the comment: "Amherst Madison's M/V Charleston @ Robert C. Byrd L&D MM 280"
Ohio & Kanawha River Photography shared
Jennifer Bates: I miss being able to go over & watch the boats lock up & down!! Can only drive to a ‘road’ along the entrance & exit anymore. Was always fun watching them actually raise & lower through. ⚓️⛴️

[I never noticed that this dam uses roller gates instead of tainter gates until I saw this photo.]

8 of 18 photos posted by Ohio & Kanawha River Photography with the comment: "Amherst Madison's M/V's Florence T. & Reliant finishing up dredging the lower part of RC Byrd L&D & moving to upper side."
[I added "crane" to the labels because of this post.]
Ohio & Kanawha River Photography shared
[The barge spuds are raised so this is when it is moving to the upper side.]

[The barge spuds are down so it is working the lower part.]


[The clamshell is under water in this capture.]

[The tows have to be skinny while it is working to get by the barge. Note that the lock gate is open.]

[The crane is a Manitowoc 4600.]


[This view also captures the spoils barge.]

One of several photos posted by Shane Michael
Hines Furlong "Glenn Hendon" Making A Rare Trip N/B At RC Byrd Lock & Dam. First Time Catching Them

The following are a couple of screenshots from a video posted by Brent James with the comment: "American Dutchess northbound at old lock 26 Ohio River." The first one shows that it passed between an island and a retaining wall. The second one catches the water turbulence created by the boat. It does look like it is propelled by the paddlewheel.
Screenshot @ 0:22

Screenshot @ 0:40
Brent's location:
Street View

The new dam is at River Mile 279.2. Lock #26 was at River Mile 278.5. So I think the old lock was just a little further north of Brent's location. [erdc, I hope the USACE takes better care of their dams than they do of their documents! I'm supposed to cite: https://hdl.handle.net/11681/15185. But it is just the text from a document, and some of the text is mangled.]

Any fisherman or birders by the dam should be careful this weekend (Jan 1-2, 2022) because the river is going to go up quickly.

This is the winter storm that is dumping rain on the entire Ohio River.
accuweather, accessed Jan 1, 2022


I kept accessing the site to see how accurate their predictions were.


(For future reference: Lock and Dam #27 (has a photo of some preserved wickets))

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I’m impressed by your ultimate guide. Absolutely amazing work.
