Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lost/Western Avenue Bridge over the West Fork of the South Branch

(Satellite, the river is long gone. See topo maps below)

The Western Avenue bridge over the CS&SC was a few blocks south of this bridge.

Lawrence Shoop posted
A Submerged Ship from the early 19th Century Discovered near Western ave Bridge Chicago River was Drained and Filled in 1905.
Dennis DeBruler It was filled in during the late 1920s. ( and
A higher resolution copy:
Raymond Kunst posted
In 1894, photographers set out to document the reversal of the Chicago River and its effect on the region, an engineering feat known at the time as the eighth wonder of the world
Two authors collected the photographs and turned it into a book called The Lost Panoramas: When Chicago Changed its River and the Land Beyond.
Below is a photo of a boat being unearthed in 1905 near the Western Avenue Bridge on the West Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River.
Mary Ann: Raymond Kunst - I just ordered this book from Abe Books! Thanks so much for sharing this one.
Raymond Kunst shared
MWRD posted
The West Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River on May 5, 1905. Workers were building a cofferdam to dewater a portion of the West Fork prior to dredging, which was necessary to increase water depth for navigation. The West Fork eventually fell out of use and deteriorated until it was filled in during the 1920s and 1930s. This photo shows a northwest view of the West Fork at an area near the current intersection of Western Avenue and west 27th Street, with the old Western Avenue bridge at left.

Jess Straka posted
So fascinating! I volunteer at 27th & Western, was curious how it looked back in the day and happened to snap a pic of the area from a recently gifted Tillotson’s pocket map (1909). Western is the left edge.

USGS 1901 Chicago Quadrangle @ 1:62,500

If it was filled in during 1905, it is disappointing that the West Fork still shows on a 1929 topo map.
USGS 1929 Englewood Quadrangle @ 1:24,000
Dennis DeBruler commented on the above MWRD post
Another "wayback machine," 1901 Chicago Quad @ 1:62,500

USGS 1953 Englewood Quadrangle @ 1:24,000
Dennis DeBruler commented on the above MWRD post
I noticed that Western Ave. did not cross the CS&SC in the 1901 map, so I got this one. 1929 Englewood Quad @ 1:24,000

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