Wednesday, May 30, 2018

1902 Lost/CSX/Toledo Terminal Upper River Bridge over Maumee River

(Bridge Hunter, Historic Bridges, see below for satellite) 

The Toledo Terminal Railroad went around the Toledo metro area.

Photo by Thomas Good, CC BY-SA
"Toledo Terminal Upper Maumee River Swing Bridge", in Maumee, Ohio - Built in 1902 and abandoned in 1982 after a derailment (May, 1982) damaged the structure. The tracks were removed in 2006, shortly before this photograph was taken. 8 August 2006

Since this bridge should now be gone [Blade], I saved the satellite and street view images.
3D Satellite
Street View

Note the metal "ice breakers" that have been added to the upstream side of each pier. (another view)

Only the swing span was considered worthy of historical registration. A swing span was required because someone thought that tall-masted ships would come this far upstream. They probably never did because there is no evidence that machinery to turn it was ever installed. And with the construction of the I-90 Bridge, there will never be a need to turn it. [Blade]

Because it would be a long trail bridge, it has to be strong enough to support emergency vehicles, not just pedestrians and bicycles. Because the piers, as well as the truss (e.g. some rivets have crumbled), are so bad, it would cost $8-10m to restore, but a new bridge would cost $7m. To retain the federal funding, the Chessie Circle Trail must include a river crossing by 2031. [Blade] It is a shame that it was allowed to rust away since before 1982.

Bridges Now and Then posted
"Ohio Turnpike Bridge Construction- Maumee River - 1950s" (Toledo Reddit)
Dennis Tharp: This picture should be taken in about June, 1953 when bridge piers starting to build. Before opening in October 1st, 1955.
Pete Schierloh: The adjacent railroad bridge was demolished a few years ago after sitting devoid of tracks several years. Didn’t make it into adaptive reuse as a bike path.
Michael Schwiebert: Pete Schierloh the railroad bridge was “too far gone” for it to be used for a trail. The derailment that took it out of service occurred back in the early 1980’s and nothing was done to it after that. One of the requirements (I’m not sure if it’s a local/Ohio one or national) was that the bridge be able to support rescue vehicles, and when the decision was made to remove the bridge - it couldn’t. There is a new trail that uses the right of way starting on the north (Lucas County) side of bridge.
Mike Snow posted
Seen this and thought I would share it.
John Ventresca: And now the TT crossing is gone

Evan Manley posted some photos of this bridge while it is still standing with the comment:
This bridge is located near the Maumee/Toledo border and over the Maumee River was built in 1902 for use on the Toledo Terminal Railroad. It was last used in 1982 when a derailment damaged the bridge integrity. The center span was installed to be able to swing in case ships ever came this far up river which, they never did. The gearing has all be installed but never a motor. It is set to be demolished soon and brush has been cut from both sides of the bridge to allow equipment to move in. It sadly is in very bad shape so plans to connect the exisiting "Chessie Circle" trail will not happen unless a new bridge is contructed. Realizing this important historical bridge will be gone soon, I headed out with a friend on his boat to get some photos from the water. You can see some close up photos of the gears that were installed. Many people see this bridge from I-90 Turnpike and great photos can be had from an overpass on River road neaabov the turnpike. Get your photos while you can as she will be history soon. It will be sad to see a landmark I've grown up with gone.










Lots of images posted about the bridge being torn down. It has not been used since a derailment in 1983. The swing span never did move.

Mike Carney

Mike Carney

Mike Carney

Mike Carney

Mike Carney

Mike Carney

Dan Auxter

Dan Auxter Toledo Library images...

Dan Auxter Toledo Library images...

Dale Marks Another photo of train activity. A NW Train on the Toledo Terminal Upper Bridge in 1978. From Doug Leffler and

Dean Kurowski posted
(sigh)...another one bites the dust and demolished. Not which line this was, over the Maumee River next to I-80 in Toledo... Demolition has begun.
Jon Yeager posted
Demolition has finally begun on the 1902 Toledo Terminal Railroad Swing bridge. First span on the east side of the Maumee is gone.
Rich Kristian commented on Jon's posting
I passed that bridge many times..check out those steel wedge things on the front of the block/concrete piers..Maybe for ice chunks? I’ve never seen those before.
Dakota Blackwolf Its to break ice and devert logs and such to protect piers

Evan Manley posted five photos with the comment:
Sad news to report. The Toledo Terminal Maumee River Bridge in Ohio is now history. All photos from this month with the last few being from Monday. I've got lots of photos of the bridge when it was still up and from the demoltion process. Some of the turntable gears and bearing are being preserved. The bridge was too far gone to even be used as a pedestrian/bike bridge unfortunately. A new trail starts just out of view behind me. All photos taken by me.
 Troy Kleman Last used in the 1980's. Last steam excursion over the bridge was in the 1970's.

Stuart Burns commented on Evan's post
Stuart Burns commented on Evan's post
Evan Manley Stuart Burns Looks a lot like my photo lolEvan Manley Because it is my photo lol

Jay Lyon framed

Barry Sell posted
Terminal Bridge, Toledo, Ohio
Collection part
Ken Levin Postcard Collection

Dennis DeBruler commented on Barry's post
It is the Toledo Terminal Railroad. It was the swing bridge that used to be just upriver from the Ohio Turnpike.


  1. I think it is most unfortunate and sad that this noteworthy and truly historic landmark has been lost. I wish they could've found the money to restore it.

    Fred M. Cain, Topeka, IN

  2. There were a number of times over the years that I saw this bridge as we passed by on the Ohio Turnpike. I remember wondering what rail line this had been and where it had gone. That was somewhat of a mystery since I couldn't make out an abandoned right of way on either side of the river.

    Nevertheless, I enjoyed seeing the bridge from the adjacent turnpike. On a recent trip to Cleveland, I watched for it again but missed it. Suddenly it just wasn't there. I concluded that I must've forgotten the location of the bridge. Perhaps it was further west. But as we entered the flatlands of western Ohio, I saw that it couldn't have been there either. So, I was puzzled. Then, I tried "Googling" for it and found this website that has a full explanation as to what happened. Yes, it really is too darn bad.

    Fred M. Cain,
    Topeka, IN
