Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Facebook Lemonade: Sept 1 is a Double Doomsday

I had managed to completely forget that Facebook announced a new version of their software a few months ago until they forced me to use it today [Aug 18 or 19, 2020, I'm falling behind]. Facebook says I'll have to use the new version after Sept 1. Since Google is forcing me to also use their new version on Sept 1, that date is now a double doomsday for me. 

I'm still chasing how to work around the "Something Went Wrong" issue documented below. The good news is that I could at least list the issues. With Google's new blog software, I wouldn't even attempt to make a list. It would be way, way too long. I'm going to skip proofreading this post because it was painful enough the first time. (Yes I normally do proofread my posts even though it may not look like it. Sometimes more than once. But proofreading is not one of my strengths.)

The first four issues below I remember from when Facebook first showed this version. But I could not find a feedback option then, and I can't find one now.

  • When looking at multiple photos, you have to accurately hit the right-arrow.
  • They waste a whole line in the comments for each author's name.
  • Posts have to be saved in a collection.
  • In the notification list they use too much space for a person's profile pic and no longer use any space for the photo associated with the liked post.
  • I can't find the group keyword search feature.
  • When I first started using Facebook, it gave you the number of posts that you had saved. Then a few years ago one of the changes was that they gave you just the number that you have not yet read. Now that I'm seem to be forced to save into a collection, I don't get any numbers.
  • And when I save something, I not longer get a line added to my timeline indicating that it has been saved.
  • After a while I saw a big performance problem while reading my timeline. I poked around in the Task Manager and found a "windows problem reporting" task running. That doesn't bode well.
  • Still having performance problems. Something is making Google pound the disk. I have just 1.8m handles.
  • See below for RED ALERT. (Update: On Aug 22, the post link was hot. But that was a fluke. on Aug 24 the post text is dead again.)
  • When you click a link on the Saved page, it open in the current tab rather than a new tab. The legacy version opened in a new tab. Now I have to remember to right-click and shove the mouse, instead of left-click, the links.
  • When looking at photos, it uses a lot less of the window for the photo itself. Bummer. Not only do the arrows waste width, they use a whole column of pixels just for an Active Contacts Icon in the lower-right corner.
  • I can't figure out how to unfriend someone.
  • It didn't chase down a link and post the first photo. And it was a Facebook link so it should be able to understand that . (https://www.facebook.com/groups/368187896998991/?post_id=898114667339642)
  • It no longer replaces the middle of long URLs in comments with "...". 
  • See "Permanent popup:" below.
RED ALERT: the "post" text in a share is not hot. Note that I have the cursor over the word "post," but no link has shown up at the bottom. 

Permanent popup: sometimes the popup doesn't go away when the mouse is moved away from the timestamp. Even after clicking the mouse somewhere else.

Performance was getting really bad while reading my timeline, and then I got this. I had rebooted my laptop last night because Facebook performance got bad yesterday. After I reloaded after the bomb, it gave me stuff I had already seen.
I got a little past what I had already seen, then it slowed done again and then Something Went Wrong. I gave up for the day.

Aug 23: I got the "Something Went Wrong" again after it started having performance problems. This time I was using my desktop instead of my laptop. So my computer should not be causing the problem. I switched to Edge and did not see the problem. I used Chrome again and it bombed. I have to remember to use Edge for the timeline. With the old version, Chrome allowed me to review my timeline about as fast as I could hit Page Down. Edge was not as fast. With the new version, I have to quit worrying about performance and worry about it blowing up. Yet I think they explicitly claimed better performance. I'm wondering if Facebook has declared war on Google and decided not to work with Chrome. I've have had some of my comments blocked as spam. Those were some of my comments that had a Google Map link. And some of the comments that they threw away took me a while to type. As you can imagine, I was rather mad. 

On a happier note. I have passed a million views. I generally don't pay much attention to my statistics because my blog is not monetized and because the various numbers don't add up. I'm doing this blog as a personal memory aid. If it helps others learn some things as well, that is gravy.

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