Friday, August 21, 2020

Google Lemonade: Proofreading URL Links

Todays problem is that this post keeps coming up in HTML mode. I tried switching it back to Compose and Update about three times before I decided that any more tries would just be proving that I am insane.

In the legacy version, in order to proof read links, the only thing I have to do is click the hot text. I get a popup that includes the beginning and end of the associated URL. So I'm done with just one mouse click!

With the new version, I have to click the Edit Menu Icon and then click the Edit Link Icon to get:

Then I have to click the top line to get:

Since most of my links vary at the end instead of the beginning, I need to see the end of the URL. So I can either click the URL field and hit the End Key or, since I have decent internet bandwidth, I can click the "Test this link." 

Not only does the new version require a lot more clicks (and/or screen touches), it opens the Edit menu. Even if I don't make any changes, the update flag for the page gets set. So later when I go to close the page, I get the pop-up asking if it is OK to lose unsaved changes. This is no problem if I remember making changes. But it is a problem when I don't remember making any changes. I don't like saving changes in case the changes were made because I fat fingered something and introduced errors. On the other hand, I don't like throwing away subtle changes like adding a comma.

It occurred to me that if they added a Follow Link line after the Remove Link line in the first menu that I could save some wear and tear on my mouse and/or touch screen finger. More importantly, the edit flag for the page would not get set when I just use a link.

Even better than adding a Follow Link line would be adding a line like the "Go to link:" in the legacy version. The same technique of using "..." in the middle of the displayed text could be used to deal with width restrictions. but appears that Google is using some GUI implementation product for the new version and this would be an impossible customization. So two lines are appropriate: Follow Link and Display Link.

I hit a bug today concerning previewing a draft post. But I'm not going to report it because the bug was caused by my Cookie indicating that I'm using the legacy version. After the Doomsday, my Cookie won't indicate that.

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