Tuesday, February 15, 2022

1937 Mississippi Lock and Dam #10 at Guttenberg, IA

(John A. Weeks III, HAERSatellite)

Looking downstream:

Looking upstream:
USACE, St. Paul Disctrict posted
NEWS: We are hosting an informational open house to discuss the proposed Lock and Dam 10 mooring cell project, Nov. 7, at Guttenberg Public Library from 5-7 p.m. You are welcome to drop in to learn more and meet with us. There will be no formal presentation. The library is located at 603 South 2nd St., Guttenberg, Iowa.
The purpose of the project is to construct a mooring cell on the Upper Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 10, near Guttenberg, Iowa, for navigation tow boats to tie off while awaiting passage through the lock.

An example of a double-locking operation.

Dam consists of a concrete dam 763 feet long with four roller gates and eight tainter gates. Earth embankment is 6,000 feet long with a concrete spillway 1,200 feet long.

A lift of 8'

USACE, St. Paul District posted
On this day 87 years ago, November 26, 1937, Lock and Dam 10 in Guttenberg, Iowa, was officially opened for operations. Consisting of four roller gates, eight Tainter gates, and a concrete spillway 1,200 feet long, Lock and Dam 10 was the first and only dam in our district to be located in #Iowa.  
In 2023, the lockage supported 10 million tons of commodities shipped by the #navigation industry.
Mississippi Valley Division (US Army Corps of Engineers) 

John Weeks
HAER IOWA,22-GUTBU,1-, cropped
2. OVERALL VIEW OF DAM, LOOKING NORTHEAST, UPSTREAM - Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel, Lock & Dam No. 10, Guttenberg, Clayton County, IA Photos from Survey HAER IA-22
[This report has 114 photos and diagrams.]

Two of the eight Tainter gates are submersible.

USACE, Rock Island District posted two photos with the comment: "Today's edition of 'Then & Now' takes us to Lock and Dam 11 in Dubuque, Iowa. The original photo, taken in 1937, shows the view looking east towards Wisconsin as the dam was being built. Today, these gates are raised and lowered to help maintain the 9-foot navigation channel on the Mississippi River."


Nick Meyer commented on the above post, cropped
Here is a picture of the lock chamber I took during the rehab.

Feb 2022: Steve Vogt posted
Good morning from lock 10
Richard Thomas: The yellow structure is the footbridge used to get across the chamber. Are they working on the lower gates?
Steve Vogt: Richard Thomas yes the anchorages.
Steve commented on his post


This is the southernmost lock in the St. Paul Disctrict


USACE St. Paul District posted three photos with the comment:
A shout out to Barb Wall, Lock and Dam 10 head operator, in Guttenberg, Iowa, as she explains what one of the four roller gates machinery is used for in maintaining the 9-foot navigation channel. That wheel is the main drive gear directly attached to the sprocket that moves the chain to raise and lower a dam roller gate. A reduction gear system reduces the number of revolutions per minute while simultaneously multiplying the torque of an electric motor - similar to the chain and sprocket assembly on a 21-speed bike.
Steven Bruni shared with the comment: "We are always keeping track and giving shout outs to the men and women on the boats... but let us not forget about the men and women who work and run the lock and dams.   Without them these massive boats could not travel up and down the Mississippi River."
Richard Thomas: It was always a “ good time” when we crawled into those gears with grease guns and buckets of grease.
Dave Harrington: I'm a bit of an engineering geek. I read up on the design of Jeremiah Burnham Tainter's gates. Pool 12 is approaching record lows. [Sep 2022] We recently boated up to L&D 11. Seemed the rollers were on the sill, but a north wind was pushing pool 11 water over the top. Nothing was boiling under these but a little was coming under the tainters.



Apr 2023: with the river running that high, it won't take long to fill up the lock.
David Webster posted
[#10 got the most votes. But #11 got a strong vote.]
Dave Harrington:Looks like L&D 11 Dubuque. Water tower on the bluff.

The above photo was Apr 19, which had a river level of 16'.

Aug 23, 2024: USACE, St. Paul District posted three photos with the comment:
Great day yesterday at Lock and Dam 10, near #Guttenber, #Iowa, for the the miter gate replacement. With the help of a heavy lift crane from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, we are replacing the four miter gates that were nearly 90 years old and keeping navigation open on the #MississippiRiver.
USACE, Headquarters also posted
USACE, Rock Island District posted with the comment:
Recently, Rock Island District's heavy lift crane Quad Cities and crew assisted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District with miter gate replacement at Lock and Dam 10, near Guttenberg, Iowa. All four miter gates were nearly 90 years old and replacements like this ensure the life of the lock and dam system for years to come.




13:37 video @ 4:14


USACE, St. Paul District posted
NEWS: We will host an open house at Lock and Dam 10 on the Mississippi River near Guttenberg, Iowa, on Sept. 21. We are hosting the free event from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., to allow people to get a behind-the-scenes view of the site while also getting a better understanding of what the staff do to ensure safe, reliable navigation. The open house will coincide with the annual GermanFest in Guttenberg.

Spring 2023 flood:
3:53 video @ 3:18

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