Sunday, February 28, 2021

1940 Glover Cary Bridge over Ohio River at Owensboro, KY

(Bridge Hunter; Historic Bridges; Satellite)

The official name is Owensboro Bridge. A common name is the Blue Bridge. This bridge used to carry US-231 across the Ohio, but US-231 was moved to a cable-stay bridge northeast of this town in 2002.

LC-DIG-highsm- 63937
Credit line: Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
Carol M. Highsmith's photographs are in the public domain.

Street View

Street View

Some of the photos in Bridge Hunter show that the bridge was getting brown (rust) in places. I'm glad to see that it now has a fresh coat of paint. Nathan Holth comments in Bridge Hunter that the deck was replaced in 2011.
Jeff Ratledge posted
Today just before sunset, taken at the Riverfront park in Owensboro Ky.

This is the post that brought this big truss bridge to my attention.
RiverWorks Discovery posted three photos with the comment: "Northbound on the Ohio at Owensboro heading towards the Glover H. Cary 'Blue Bridge' and its changing light display on Evansville Marine's M/V Angie A.   Courtesy of Capt Steven Fancher."



Tommy Matusz posted
Owensboro Grain Dock.
[I was going to crop this photo until I realized that the sun and its reflection was probably the intended subject of the photo.]

2025 TVA Flood: See Pickwick Lock_2025 for more information about the weather event.
I saw a post that said the river was really "angry," but they did not have a photo.

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