Friday, March 21, 2025

1826 Telford's Menai Bridge was the world's first major suspension bridge

(Historic BridgesSatellite)

YourVirtualTours UK, Apr 2022

American Society of Civil Engineers posted two photos with the comment:
"The Menai Bridge scheme exercised a fundamental influence on the construction and development of suspension bridges from 1818 for several decades. It established this type of bridge in its true role as the most economic means of providing the largest bridge spans for carriage traffic in the western world." 
– R.A. Paxton
The world's 1st modern suspension bridge opened on this day in 1826. Designed by the prolific civil engineer Thomas Telford, the Menai Suspension Bridge’s main span was 579 feet from tower to tower, the longest attempted at the time. Learn more:


"'The Menai Bridge scheme exercised a fundamental influence on the construction and development of suspension bridges from 1818 for several decades. It established this type of bridge in its true role as the most economic means of providing the largest bridge spans for carriage traffic in the western world.'
"- Menai Bridge 1818-26 by R. A. Paxton
"Built between 1819 and 1826, the Menai Bridge was the major structure on Britain's strategically important Holyhead Road connecting London with Holyhead and by sea to Ireland. Designed by Thomas Telford, the bridge's main span was 579 feet [176m] from tower to tower, the longest that had ever been attempted at this time."

"The bridge was originally built using wrought iron chains in 1826. After its completion, additional improvements were made to stiffen the deck in 1840 and 1893 to address swaying in the wind. In 1938-1940 a major alteration of the bridge took place when all-new steel eyebar chains were installed as replacements for the originals. Additionally, the previous stiffening was replaced with rivet-connected Warren pony trusses. Historical images show that a lattice girder stiffening was in place for much of this bridge's history." [HistoricBridges]

HistoricBridges, Photo Credit: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru - The National Library of Wales
"ca. 1840 image of bridge showing original wrought iron eyebar chains and a lattice girder stiffening on the bridge."

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