Monday, March 3, 2025

1832 Gota (Göta ) Canal

Carl Johan Lock: (East End): (Satellite, 244 photos)
Oldest Lock, 1813: (Satellite, 845 photos)

The Gota Canal connects Lake Vener with the Baltic Sea.


The locks are 32m x 7m (105' x 23'). [WorldCanals]


Carl Johan Lock (West End)

The seven locks raise the water level 18.8 (29'). [History Brochure, via gotakanal]

Samuel Cedermyr, Jul 2021

Markus M, Jun 2019

Lovely Laugh posted
The Göta Canal is a navigation channel built in the 19th century in southern Sweden. It travels through the provinces of Östergötland and Västra Götaland, connecting Mem, in the Baltic Sea, about 140 km south of Stockholm, with Sjötorp, in Lake Vänern, in southwestern Sweden.
The Göta Canal works by a system of locks that allows ships to overcome different heights of land. As a ship advances, it enters a lock that fills or empties with water to level the next stretch of the channel. Once the water in the lock reaches the desired level, the gates open and the boat continues its journey. This process is repeated at each lock along the canal, allowing for the transition from one water level to another until it reaches its final destination. Its operation is similar to the Panama Canal....
credit goes to the respective owner .
Lloyd Scott Harding shared

Ocean Fight posted two photos with the comment: "Gota canal - Sweden."
Ocean Fight posted again


Forsvik Lock

This lock was completed Oct 14, 1813, but it was short compared to the other locks on the Gota Canal. At first, that wasn't a big deal because the locks in the Trollhattan Canal were also short. But when they were enlarged, this one was made longer by moving the upper gate. [History Brochure, via gotakanal]

Both upper and lower gates are closed. The drawbridge that is up has evidently been replaced by the bridge that the Street View car is on.
Street View, May 2018

A good view of the lock chamber.
Street View, Jul 2011

Is the canal closed in the Winter so they put the bridge down so they don't have to worry about the winds? Or did they do a demonstration?
Street View, Apr 2009

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