Tuesday, March 18, 2025

1983 I-470 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge over Ohio River at Wheeling, WV

(Archived Bridge Hunter; Bridge Hunter; no Historic Bridges; B&TSatellite)

"There isn't really anything outstanding about this bridge to make it historical, other than being a virtual twin to the Fort Henry Bridge." [J.R. Manning via BridgeHunter]

BridgeHunter provides a "built" date of 1978. Normally, that is when it opened to traffic. But structurae indicates that work began in 1975 and that it was not completed until 1983.
One of the reasons for a long construction interval was that the bridge was done before Ohio DOT got their road built to it.
Another issues was "an inspection revealed that strands of five cables had frayed because of wind-induced vibration that caused friction against the steel superstructure." [B&T]

Street View, Sep 2019

Street View, Oct 2021

2016 Royce and Bobette Haley Photo via BridgeHunter

The span length is 779' (237m). BridgeHunter does not have an accurate total length. The bridge obviously has long approaches.
East side
Street View, Jul 2019

West Side
Street View, Oct 2021

structurae provides a total length of 409m (1,342').

This is the photo that motivated researching this bridge.
Anthony Jaxson posted
West Virginia, USA
[Several comments accused this photo of being AI generated. But some, such as this one, identified what is in the photo. I guess the AI believers don't know how a telephoto lens can compress distances.]
George Doughty: This is a photograph taken from an aircraft over Martins Ferry Ohio looking south over the Ohio River. You can see the Wheeling suspension bridge, the I 70 bridge and the I 470 bridge.
[Facebook had an error when I submitted this comment, so I don't think it actually got posted. I determined that the error happened because the post became unavailable.]
Dennis DeBruler: The bridges over the Ohio River are interesting, but it is the coal silo and conveyor belts in the background that says West Virginia to me. https://maps.app.goo.gl/XCsNrkkp2cV9KtMW9


So where is this incline (funicular) railway?
John Mowery, May 2022

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