Thursday, October 31, 2019

Peter Baker Asphalt Plant near Rondout

(3D Satellite)

Rob Conway posted
It is amazing how the CN managed to [get rid of] the Peter Baker business at Rondout. 16 loads of gravel, generated on line, every day, Gone! Now route 176 is jammed with trucks all day long moving in and out of Baker.
Sam Carlson I wonder if we can file a class action suit against the CN for ruining the quality of life in this area by forcing Peter Baker, which located here because of rail access, to switch to dusty, dirty dump trucks whose cargo should be in freight cars. Any lawyers out there?
B-Train David Lemke Probably did this as they were going to abandon this line, only to scrap the idea.There is little business on this route. A good shortline would do wonders,here.
Jeffrey Varney There were many times where Baker got a double spot...30+ cars unloaded everyday. They were always fast unloading cars.
William O'Neal Stringer Came out of Joliet, Illinois on the "Bug Line." Out towards the generator.
[The source of the gravel was probably the Material Service gravel quarry east of Plainfield.]
Steve Nichols When did CN stop serving them? This is the first time learning of this operation and of course its too late.
Jeffrey Varney A picture from August 7, 2008 shows an inbound train hauling Peter Baker rock into maybe 2009 or 2010...
Steven Suhs Wow they making that move in daylight. I was always at night when I switched it.

Founded in 1915 by Peter Baker and his son Arthur Baker Sr. as a roofing business, the company is currently under the control of 4th generation brothers Art and Rob Baker.
With asphalt production facilities located in Lake Bluff, Lakemoor, Marengo and North Chicago, Illinois we are able to service all of Northeastern Illinois including Lake, McHenry, Cook, DeKalb, Kane and Boone Counties.
We are committed to producing quality materials, and providing quality construction services by our team of experienced and dedicated personnel.



Before they lay the asphalt, a new rode needs various layers of crushed stone to create a foundation for the road.


Since the abandonment was relatively recent, I could use Gobal Earth to determine where the industrial spur used to be. In April, 1998, they were digging the unloading pit.
Apr 1998
I captured some other images showing hoppers on the spur. In each case there is a hopper over the pit. Some images verify that it is hard to find the tracks near stone piles. If there were not hoppers parked by the piles in some images, you could not determine there were tracks there.

Oct 2002

Aug 2005

May 2010
Now that I know where to look, I can find the tracks on the property and...
...the turnout for the industrial spur.
Back when Class I railroads had plenty of coal to haul for many miles, they didn't care about carload business. CN is the first railroad where Hunter Harrison aggressively implemented his operating tactics that he labelled Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR). The tactics were focused on reducing the railroad's operating ratio (expenses/revenue). One of those tactics was to quit servicing small customers. For example, by the time Hunter got to CSX, he required a grain elevator to load a unit train of at least 65 hoppers in a day or so. He refused to serve the customers that had been getting blocks of 20 hoppers. Actually, CSX was dumping customers before Hunter took charge. Some grain elevators were lucky enough that they were on a branch that CSX did not want. So that branch got sold to a shortline and the shortline was glad to combine the smaller cuts of hoppers into a large unit train for interchange with CSX. The Evansville Western Railway (EVWR) is an example of such a shortline. Grain elevators along tracks that CSX wanted to keep simply got screwed. Screwing a grain elevator also screws the farmers in the area because they get a lower price per bushel since it costs more to haul those bushels to marked. And it puts more trucks on our roads. I learned yesterday that a farmer is allowed to haul loads of 92,000 pounds. The normal legal limit is 80,000 pounds. [video for 40 seconds]

Why the Surface Transportation Board allowed the railroads to ignore their common carrier obligations is one of those questions that makes me mad and causes me to loose sleep at night. It is hard for me to watch a few greedy railroad managers and hedge fund operators gut America's railroad network.  I've read that some people are advocating letting shortline railroads use Class I tracks to serve the industries that had built along those tracks many decades ago to get rail service. Of course, the Class I railroads are fighting that compromise. They don't care if more trucks tear up our roads.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

CE&I 1921 maps of their coal mining territories

C&EIRHS posted two images with the comment: "For those of you interested in C&EI coal mine areas."
Christopher Gobert Where in the world did you come across these? The Williamson County Illinois map is especially interesting to me inasmuch as that is where I grew up.
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Historical Society I came across these two maps in a 1963 memo to the board of directors in preparation of what they would see during an inspection trip of the railroad. Interesting to note that in 1963, there still were using maps from 1921.

I concluded that the solid black lines are the C&EI routes. I like that the maps include the other railroads as dotted lines. You have to click an image and then save it so that you can zoom in with your favorite photo viewer.

(Shared to Illinois Coal Mines, Miners & Railroads)

Lost/Western Avenue Bridge over the West Fork of the South Branch

(Satellite, the river is long gone. See topo maps below)

The Western Avenue bridge over the CS&SC was a few blocks south of this bridge.

Lawrence Shoop posted
A Submerged Ship from the early 19th Century Discovered near Western ave Bridge Chicago River was Drained and Filled in 1905.
Dennis DeBruler It was filled in during the late 1920s. ( and
A higher resolution copy:
Raymond Kunst posted
In 1894, photographers set out to document the reversal of the Chicago River and its effect on the region, an engineering feat known at the time as the eighth wonder of the world
Two authors collected the photographs and turned it into a book called The Lost Panoramas: When Chicago Changed its River and the Land Beyond.
Below is a photo of a boat being unearthed in 1905 near the Western Avenue Bridge on the West Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River.
Mary Ann: Raymond Kunst - I just ordered this book from Abe Books! Thanks so much for sharing this one.
Raymond Kunst shared
MWRD posted
The West Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River on May 5, 1905. Workers were building a cofferdam to dewater a portion of the West Fork prior to dredging, which was necessary to increase water depth for navigation. The West Fork eventually fell out of use and deteriorated until it was filled in during the 1920s and 1930s. This photo shows a northwest view of the West Fork at an area near the current intersection of Western Avenue and west 27th Street, with the old Western Avenue bridge at left.

Jess Straka posted
So fascinating! I volunteer at 27th & Western, was curious how it looked back in the day and happened to snap a pic of the area from a recently gifted Tillotson’s pocket map (1909). Western is the left edge.

USGS 1901 Chicago Quadrangle @ 1:62,500

If it was filled in during 1905, it is disappointing that the West Fork still shows on a 1929 topo map.
USGS 1929 Englewood Quadrangle @ 1:24,000
Dennis DeBruler commented on the above MWRD post
Another "wayback machine," 1901 Chicago Quad @ 1:62,500

USGS 1953 Englewood Quadrangle @ 1:24,000
Dennis DeBruler commented on the above MWRD post
I noticed that Western Ave. did not cross the CS&SC in the 1901 map, so I got this one. 1929 Englewood Quad @ 1:24,000

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


(Boatnerda ship tracker, another tracker)

See Old Lakers for some other "bridge on the bow" boats that I have seen.

A view of the stern of the sister ship Fairless shows it "pushing water."

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District posted
Happy 75th Birthday [in 2017] to the Grand Old Lady of the Lakes. The oldest freighter still operating on the Great Lakes launched on this day [June 21] in 1942 as the Leon Fraser and was the longest boat on the Great Lakes at the time. She was shortened in 1991 for a new career as a cement carrier but is still one of the most popular and beautiful boats on the lakes. Three long and two shorts to the Alpena!

Michael Konczak posted
Leon Fraser at Fraser Shipyards waiting to be converted to the Alpena, November 1989. Photo by Michael Konczak
[The elevators in the background are the  Cenex-Harvest States Grain Cooperatives.]

(new window) This video has an informative narration, so it has earned a position near the beginning of the notes.

Leon Fraser was retired from iron-ore service in 1982. Her four sister ships of the 1942 "supers" class were scrapped in the 1980s. But this ship was shortened, converted to a self-unloader and renamed Alpena for starting cement service in 1991. [DuluthNewsTribune]

She hauls cement to the Twin Ports about once a month. [DuluthShippingNews (lots of photos)]

More about the recent fire mentioned in the above  video  This article implies that it is still a steamship. That would explain why it has "one of the loudest whistles on the lakes."

[The aft winch suffered an electrical fault (short) and there was no circuit breaker per 1941 codes. By today's code, a circuit breaker would probably have prevented this fire. "(According to the Coast Guard, planned postaccident modifications to the Alpena would feature additional circuit protection in accordance with current regulations.) "]

Steve Vanden Bosch posted four photos with the comment: "Mail Delivery Early 1900's on the Detroit River to the Alpena."
[But this was not the converted Leon Fraser. This one was built in 1909 by Detroit Shipbuilding.]




Michigan Film Photographer Karl Wertanen posted
The classic "Alpena" (1942) downbound on the St Clair River headed for Detroit Lafarge 10/11/19.
Oldest freighter on the lakes.
As always... I'm grateful for those who take the time to like and share my images! I appreciate your support!
Archival Fine Art Prints starting at $20!

Bob Biaggio posted two photos with the comment: "The Alpena departing Green Bay September 16, 2019." (source)

David Kaye posted three photos with the comment: "Happy River and Alpena meeting in the Soo Harbor.  10-24-19"



Jim Hoffman posted
The Leon Fraser downbound at the Soo. She sails today as the cement carrier Alpena. Photo taken by Jim Hoffman.
Liam Hoffmann commented on Jim's posting
(new window)

Alpena downbound Leaving the MacArthur Lock. 10-24-19
[The end is worth watching because it is riding high and you can see the top of the rudder and some propwash.]

2:54 video @ 0:53 (source)
ALPENA - Upbound Port Huron, Michigan 12-10-2022
[It is headed under the Blue Water Bridge.]

Two of the six photos posted by Marty Floré of Alpena passing Detroit with the comment: "The oldest vessel on the Great Lakes the Alpena. 12/10/22".
[It was posted on the same day as the above video so it must be the same trip.]
Marty Floré share
Marty Floré share
The oldest vessel on the Great Lakes the Alpena. 12/10/22
Janey Anderson: Oh these shots are all so amazing!! I sweat her colour changes depending on the light the pictures are taken in. She looks a bit greenish here.


Bjornberg Photography posted
Steaming by:
It was a blue bird kind of day late as I captured a close up of the Alpena's smokestack when she passed underneath the Duluth lift bridge late last year. Amazing to see an 80-year-old ship (the oldest operating on the Great Lakes) in such great condition!

Lincat Photography posted two photos with the comment: "Old to the new the Alpena docked under the Gordie Howe bridge  Detroit River"
Mike Mishler shared
[I'm lucky that the Lafarge cement terminal is next to the bridge and that old freighters carry cement because the old freighters attract boatnerds who include the bridge's construction.]


Brian R Maghran commented on Mike's share
Here is the Arthur Anderson docked there.

Lincat Photography posted two photos with the comment: "Old to the new the Alpena docked under the Gordie Howe bridge  Detroit River"
Mike Mishler shared


more common as MRC cuts up more freighters.]
On the day I saw the above share by Mike, I saw this post by Liam.
Liam Hoffmann posted
Alpena discharging cement at LaFarge in Superior. 10/18/23

Tony Bidigare posted
I just love seeing the SS Alpena passing by the USS Silversides as she pulls into Muskegon. She is the oldest steamship on the great lakes having been built in 1942.
Donny Blair: I thought the lee a tregeurtha was also built in 1942.
Tony Bidigare: Wikipedia has the Alpena as the oldest steamship on the great lakes. Maybe LAT is a diesel or perhaps built later the same year.
Donny Blair: Tony Bidigare alpena feb 42 lat june 42.
Charlie Campbell: Tregurtha was a steamship until 2005 when she was converted to diesel.
Ken Zimmerman: Donny Blair The Alpena (formally the Leon Fraser) was built here on the lake. The Lee A Tragurtha was originally built as a WW2 tanker (the Chiwawa I believe) then converted to a lake freighter after the war. Interesting tidbit, she was present in Tokyo Bay during the signing ceremony ending WW2.
Ron Harner: how long before Alpena leaves?
Tony Bidigare: Ron Harner She is a self unloader so it shouldn't take more than eight or nine hours at the most. [Toney is wondering if he can catch her with a 2 hour trip.]
[The comments include additional photos of the Alpena.]
Nick Breznai shared
James Torgeson: Originally the Leon Fraser, one of five “Supers” built for USS to handle the tremendous increase in ore traffic generated by WW2.

Dan Tucker posted
The Alpena in Alpena… Merry Christmas! ⚓️🎄🎄⚓️
Marty Welser-Dougherty: So many of the ships used to decorate when I was a child, Dad used to take us for a drive along the River to see them.
Tony Rogers posted
Still a beauty at 82 years old [in 2024]
2 of 4 photos posted Master Sergeant Media LLC with the comment: "The Alpena arrives in Green Bay, WI."

Master Sergeant Media LLC posted
The Alpena arrives in Green Bay, WI.
[Dousman+Main Street Bridge]

Master Sergeant Media LLC posted
The Alpena arrives in Green Bay, WI.
[Walnut Street Bridge]

David Kaye posted two side views of the Alpena.

Drone photo of Alpena arriving in Alpena for the Lafarge Cement Plant. It is a cement plant. It looks like they have three older rotary kilns and two newer ones.

1995 Flickr of Alpena west of the Skyway

There are several photos of Alpena in Milwaukee Jones Island because that is one of the ports to which Alpena delivers cement.