Thursday, March 24, 2016

CSX Maps (Overview)

If you are here because of "McCool, IN: Junction Tower: Aban/EJ&E vs CSX/B&O," then you need to go there.

Soon after the merger:
Kentucky Steam Heritage Corp. posted
Since today is #FlashbackFriday, we thought we'd give our Class I Railroad partner in Irvine, CSX Transportation, some love. Formed in 1980 as a holding company, its subsidiaries completed merging in 1987. The "C" in CSX is for Chessie System (blue) while the "S" represents Seaboard System (red). X means "multiplied." Together, the two did just that. This is the corporation's first system map showing how its 15,000+ mile system looked in 1981.
Robert Roebling: I’d guess about 1/3 of CSX’s track in the South in this ‘81 map is gone, mostly former SAL routes. Though future funding might be “sketchy”, SAL trackage between Norlina NC & Petersburg VA could well be restored.
Larry Graham: X = B&O Xtermination
Chuck Till: Larry Graham SAL people felt the same way. To the victor go the spoils.
Ted Gregory shared
I see 4 CSX Mainlines down the Florida peninsula as late as 1981.
Jordan Douglass Barclay: Would you count the line from Climax GA to Chattahoochee the 5th line?
Ted Gregory: Jordan I did not count that one cuz it did not go down the Peninsula to Orlando Tampa or beyond
Dontearrious Jones: CSX only has 1 mainline into FL now


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